Sunday, 31 May 2015


Hello there. This post goes for all of you who thinks that getting the perfect pair of tights is a tough task. 
I have something for you! WOLFORD tights. These tights simply fit right and besides they are available in many sizes (from xs to xxl) and many colours. They are extremely soft and so comfortable around the waist and they really hold their shape. They feel so good you forget you are wearing them. Not kidding. What I love the most about them is that they're not shiny at all. Personally, I hate thights having shiny lines. You know what I mean? Wolford tights are truly matte. Yes, they do cost some money - more than many of us are used to spend on tights like that.  Are you wondering if they're worh the money? One word: YES. The quality is really outstanding – I heard they last for y e a r s ! How amazing is that? Mine are FLAVIA tights with a zigzag seam up the leg and I'm really happy with them. highly recommend them. :)

P.S. It's my honest review although I got them.

Živjo. Ta objava je za vse, ki vam iskanje popolnih žab ni ravno najlažje in najljubše opravilo. Nekaj imam za vas – Wolford žabice. 
Telesu se odlično prilagajajo, na voljo so v različnih številkah (od xs do xxl) in barvah. So zelo prijetne, udobne in popolnoma obdržijo obliko. V njih se tako dobro počutim, da kar pozabim, da jih imam na sebi. Brez heca. In kar mi je najbolj všeč je to, da se ne svetijo. Sama ne maram žab, na katerih se pojavi svetleča črta. Saj veš kaj mislim? Wolford žabe pa so popolnoma mat. Res je, da so nekoliko dražje, kot smo navajene 
dati za žabe, a so vredne denarja. Žabe so res kvalitetne, slišala sem, da zdržijo tudi več let. Super, a? Jaz sem izbrala FLAVIA žabice, ki imajo 
cik-cak črto od pete do pasu in sem več kot zadovoljna. Priporočam. :)

P.S. Čeprav sem žabe dobila, je to moje iskreno mnenje. 

xx, Jasmina